40+ Hilarious Tweets That Are Really Getting Us Excited for Christmas - BridesBlush (2025)

40+ Hilarious Tweets That Are Really Getting Us Excited for Christmas - BridesBlush (1)

With the weather turning colder and the days ticking past on the calendar, it’s hard not to think about Christmas. After all, it can seem like it’s just around the corner! You aren’t the only one either — plenty of people online are already talking about the winter holidays that they’re waiting for. We can’t help but get excited for Christmas while reading these tweets!

He’s So Excited

If there’s one thing dogs love, it’s a new toy. This good boy seems like he’s being very polite, waiting for his turn to play. The only problem is that those aren’t actually dog toys.

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They’re clementines. Still, how is Charlie supposed to know any better? We hope someone threw a real ball for him after they snapped this cute Christmas memory. He might be a little incorrect about the concept but he looks so expectant!

A Bit Brutal

There are some songs you can’t escape as Christmas gets closer. “All I Want for Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey is one of those songs.

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As cheery and heartfelt as the song sounds, this person had a fair point. Who really wants to be described as not “a lot” as far as value? Don’t get us wrong — it’s still catchy and gets us right into the Christmas spirit but taken this way, it’s a bit brutal.

Practically the Same

If there’s one thing that helps December fly by, it’s an advent calendar. You get to count down the days until Christmas and each day comes with its own little treat.

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Of course, if you don’t have your own advent calendar, you can make one. All you have to do is add the date to the back of your door. The only drawback here is that this advent calendar sounds a lot more expensive but the treats would be upgraded so much.

It’s His Time

Aside from Mariah Carey, there are a few other artists that seem to thrive around the time Christmas albums start to come out.

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Another famous name on this list is Michael Bublé. The singer seems to thrive at Christmas and if you’re a fan of his music, this is your time to shine. In fact, do they just freeze him for the rest of the year and wait until Christmas to pull him out?

A Yearly Fascination

If you’ve ever owned a cat, you know they’re almost as excited for Christmas as you are. At the very least, they definitely love the decorations.

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Like this kitty, maybe your four-legged furball just can’t take their eyes off of the Christmas tree. Between the twinkling lights and swinging baubles, there’s a lot to catch their attention. That leaves plenty of room to capture moments of wonder like this.

At a Healthy Distance

While the love your cat has for the Christmas tree starts out cute, it can quickly turn destructive as they try to take action on their interest.

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This leaves many cat owners desperately trying to protect their decorations around Christmastime. This family went to extreme measures to keep their cat at bay. If you’ve taken care of a cat, though, you know it might not be overkill. It’s a lot of dedication for the tree.

Check it Out!

Whether you’ve read the book or watched one of the many renditions on TV or in movies, The Christmas Carol is a holiday classic. This person reimagined the story once more for the most modern audience possible.

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Why wouldn’t you want to click this headline? Although to be fair, we’re pretty sure all of the ghosts had the same message for Ebenezer Scrooge — it wouldn’t kill him to be kinder!

It’s Not Love

Another popular Christmas song is one that might take some memorization to nail all the lyrics. There’s a lot going on during the “12 Days of Christmas”.

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In reality, the gifts are a bit odd. Can you really gift so many birds? You definitely can’t gift people to someone, so you might need to let the drummers, pipers, lords, ladies, and maids go. All in all, it seems like there are a few red flags here.

Can He Come Along?

When you’re young, you usually just have to show up to family functions. As you get older, you might want to bring someone special along to the holidays.

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This person just wanted to make sure that they could bring their guest without imposing on the host. Sure, maybe not every husband wants to be described as a “weird roommate.” Did they at least let him come to the family Christmas party?

A Specific Name

Thanksgiving has a lot more dishes specifically associated with it than Christmas does. Still, there are some winter holiday treats you can expect.

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Egg nog is one winter drink that you can’t miss near Christmas time. As this person pointed out, though, the name is a bit weirdly specific. The name “egg nog” implies there are other nogs. What were they made out of? There are a few vegan nogs you can get now.

It’s a Surprise!

One of the best parts of Christmas is the gifts! Receiving them isn’t the only exciting part, though. It’s fun to pick out gifts, too!

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After you’ve picked them out, you have to make sure to keep the gifts a surprise until it’s time for the exchange. This person really wanted to make sure everyone in the house was surprised. This means the dog had to go when it was time to discuss his gifts.

Getting Creative

A Christmas tree is a traditional decoration choice if you celebrate the holiday. So, can you blame some Christmas lovers for finding it a little stale after a while?

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That’s nothing a little creativity couldn’t fix! If you’re a fan of the game Portal, you’ll recognize this gimmick pretty quickly. It just seems a little inconvenient to try not to run into the tree sticking out of the wall — although it would save on floorspace.

A Star and an Angel

When you have a Christmas tree, one of the most showstopping decorations to add is the topper for the tree. You have a few options here. A star is a classic and neutral choice to top your tree.

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However, if you want something a little bit more religious, you can opt for an angel to top your tree. If you really can’t decide, you could always go this precious route as well.

Um, Hi?

There’s a lot that goes on during Christmas. People see their families, exchange gifts, and often share a big dinner together. This family had at least one member that wasn’t looking forward to spending time with everyone.

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So, they simply didn’t. The more striking part here, though, is that he still showed up to the family dinner just to eat in a different room and go on his way. Merry Christmas.

Clearing Things Up

If you’re in the Christmas spirit or just aren’t really feeling the holidays, you might turn to a movie like The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. This person had a different take on the Grinch’s motives, though.

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While he proclaims how much he hates Christmas throughout the movie, is it really the holiday he hated? Maybe he really just hated people and the way he treated them. If so, this person found him way more sympathetic.

What Was That?

There are some times that you spend with kids that you can’t get over how cute they are. Other times, they can take you by surprise.

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Anyone who has kids or works with them knows that they can say some unintentionally unsettling things off the cuff. This kid said something that made their parent pause in confusion. Surely they didn’t just say that about the Grinch? We really hope the Grinch doesn’t hate people this much.

Stage One

If you have elaborate Christmas decorations or even ones that just take a little more effort than your day-to-day household care, you might not want to tackle everything at once.

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Getting everything down from the attic is a hassle in itself, so why not take a break afterward? Of course, this does give you a period to contemplate all the boxes sitting in your living room. Some lasagna would help, though.

A Little Rebranding

There are some movies that are definitely Christmas movies — we’ve already talked about a few of them. Others are up for debate.

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The idea that Die Hard is a Christmas movie has been a long-running joke about the popular film. However, this person would argue it isn’t a Christmas movie at all but that any of us could spot Snape in this movie if we paid attention.

Getting Punny

There’s nothing quite like a good pun. Whether that’s positive or negative depends on your feelings about puns and the quality of the one you just heard.

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The word “Noel” is everywhere around Christmas time. It means Christmas, even if it does sound like “No L.” In other words, it’s okay for this person to keep all of their consonants for the month of December without too much worry.

Leveling Up

As we’ve seen, it’s fun to get gifts for everyone around Christmas. This includes your pets, as well as your human family and friends. This person may have found the best gift for their cat.

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Many cats love a house to hang out in but one shaped like a tank is pretty cute. Plus, if it makes more room for photo-ops like this, it’s a gift that will definitely keep on giving as time goes on.

Onto You

You can decorate almost anything when you’re getting ready for Christmas. Plenty of people turn to their cars once their house is decorated.

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A common iteration of this is to give your car a pair of antlers and a red nose just like Rudolph. No one is about to fool this person, though. No matter how many car decorations they see, they won’t fall for it. They know that’s not a reindeer.

Time to Go

“Baby, It’s Cold Outside” is a popular Christmas song, even if the lyrics seem a lot less endearing upon closer inspection. However, not everyone is interested in sticking around.

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Some say they really wouldn’t argue if someone had to leave the party early. In fact, they’re pretty down for the party ending early. Maybe it’s time to start a night in for one.

Making Room for Everyone

When you head to a family member’s house for Christmas, odds are you may not end up with five-star accommodations for the night.

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After all, most people don’t have the space to house their whole extended family comfortably in their home. Luckily, it’s nothing a few air mattresses can’t help fix for a night or two. It really does create an experience like no other. The nutcrackers are truly a nightmarish touch from this perspective.

Just Like Charlie Brown

Plenty of people look for the most beautiful trees they can find. Only the fullest, tallest, and most aesthetically-pleasing evergreens will do.

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This person decided they wanted to show some sympathy to those Christmas trees that just don’t get enough attention. So, each year, they put up a tree that would put Charlie Brown to shame. This one is particularly eye-catching, especially thanks to its odd shape.

High Expectations

When you’re an adult, you usually just mention what you want for Christmas or people surprise you by paying attention to what you like. Among kids, it’s a lot more common to create a Christmas list to ask for specific items.

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However, most kids don’t quite have an idea of how much money their full Christmas lists cost — it’s just not their problem to worry about yet. Yet, it can lead some parents to wonder exactly how well their kids thought parenting paid.

Gee, Thanks

There’s a big chance you’ll get to open something exciting on Christmas day. Not everyone gets the things they were hoping for, though. This person was apparently dealing with the latter situation when they wrote this tweet.

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We’re going to assume that the OP’s loved ones weren’t quite spot-on with their gifts. In fact, it seems like they were so wildly off-base, the recipient wasn’t sure what happened.

Personalized Gifts

There are some things that aren’t usually considered kind gifts for most people. Cleaning supplies are pretty up there in what not to get someone. Naturally, though, these rules are general.

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If someone is truly happy when they’re cleaning or have an interest in a certain appliance, why not make them happy despite the blanket rule most people abide by? It seems like it really worked out for this family.

Holiday Lessons

Walking into your family home doesn’t always feel like home right away. Sometimes, you need a minute for the environment to really kick in. For some, this means the feeling kicks in when a family tradition starts.

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Not every tradition has to be planned either. Still, this person doesn’t quite feel at home until they have to help their parents with their phones a couple of dozen times. It’s a common experience in recent years.

Get to the Point

When you get to your family’s home on Christmas, what’s your first order of business? Is it the food? Are you excited about the gifts? Some family members are quick to run in and start celebrating.

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This person knows that there’s one important question to get out of the way before things go any further. Who wants to waste data during the holidays? Someone can fill them in while they carry their bags in.

Quick Tip

On the topic of Christmas supplies, there are some you don’t have to put away once the holiday ends. A few can make an appearance all-year round.

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This home chef found a way to repurpose their angel cookie cutters even when they really didn’t want a batch of angel cookies. If you’re a fan of Star Wars, you could use them to make your own Yoda cookies. It’s not a bad idea!

Seems a Little Different

It’s no secret that while the U.K. and the United States may both speak English, not every word matches up perfectly. There are a few wildly clashing concepts.

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That’s what led to this monstrosity. The idea here is a mincemeat pie. In this context, the recipe should refer to the blend of spices and fruit known as mincemeat, not ground meat. The resulting creation left many cringing as they read it.

Listing the Crimes

If you’re looking for another Christmas movie classic, it won’t take long before you land on a movie like Home Alone.

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There are a few things that audiences have noticed about these movies as they watch and rewatch them — the original, in particular. A few points are actually relevant to the plot but it was the family dinner this person couldn’t look past. Who drinks milk with pizza?

When You Put it Like That

We already talked about A Christmas Carol but such an influential piece of literature deserves careful review. Plus, so many people are so familiar with it. While the story is supposed to be endearing, this person didn’t quite think so.

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Even at the end of the story, when Scrooge has changed his ways, they couldn’t help but think of the whole story. Why did a trio of ghosts have to terrorize Scrooge before he was kind to anyone?

A New Take

There are some Christmas songs that stick with you because they stand out from the others. We all have our favorites when ’tis the season.

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This person brought up an interesting point about the song “Wonderful Christmastime” by music legend Paul McCartney. They noticed that the first few lyrics of the song seems a little closer to a Halloween celebration than a Christmas party. They can’t get caught, though!

A Slight Plot Hole

There are some Christmas movies you can predict before the plot plays out. Hallmark and Lifetime movies often come to mind. However, some of the plots just leave the audience with some huge questions.

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For example, if Santa was real, wouldn’t there be some evidence? Do these main characters believe presents appear by magic but it couldn’t possibly be Santa bringing them every year? It’s probably fine.

No One Will Know

Once you have all of your presents gathered and ready to send out to their recipients, you’ll still need to wrap them. Silver wrapping paper is a rather seasonal idea.

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The bad news is that this person didn’t quite grab the silver wrapping paper they’d hoped for. It doesn’t seem like the roll they bought will actually do them very well in hiding the contents of the packages.

He’s a Big Fan

Earlier, we discussed how strange the gifts in “The 12 Days of Christmas” are. Not many people want what the singer is offering. There’s one person who might enjoy the contents, though.

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After all, who loves golden rings more than Gollum from Lord of the Rings? Not to mention, all the birds might make a nice snack for him while he enjoys the rings.

They’re Defensive Christmas Decorations

The antlers on cars are a common sight as Christmas draws closer. What if they weren’t just for decoration, though?

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What’s the point of putting antlers on your car if you aren’t going to use them to find a good parking space? Never mind that the decorations aren’t really strong and you’ll end up with a really damaged car to get the space, it’ll still put those antlers to use.

Don’t Mess Up Your Suit!

The Christmas spirit can extend to your wardrobe, too. Plenty of people love to don a Christmas sweater as the temperature drops. This time, it was a little Pomeranian that was dressed for the holidays.

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Apparently, he was on the move, too! Their owner was already trying to keep up and warning their pet that they would mess up their Sunday best before they got where they were going.

No More Birds!

As we’ve covered, “The 12 Days of Christmas” might sound great when you sing it but some critical thinking about the lyrics raises some questions. This person wouldn’t make it to the lords and ladies dancing or even the golden rings.

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After a few solid days of an increasing number of birds, we can’t blame this person for not answering the door for any more gifts after that. It becomes a hassle after a while!

Calling the Cops on Santa

Even the most Christmas-loving person has to admit that Santa’s background story raises some questions. In any other context, with any other man, there’d be suspicion around Santa’s practices.

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Ultimately, he’s a guy who watches children, decides if they’re good or bad, sneaks into their homes, and eats their food. What if some random Chad, who lives on your street, was out doing those exact same things? Did we just ruin Christmas for you? Sorry!

The Wrapping Paper Law

We’ve all come to terms with the frustrating rule about wrapping paper. Every year, you’ll lose it — and every year, you’ll only find it again when you don’t need it anymore. The same annoying principle is true for many things.

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For example, computer passwords. You’ll try over and over again to remember your password until you give up and set a new one. Then, the computer will tell you that the new password is the same as the old one and can’t be used. Yup, we’ve all been there.

Bugs Bunny Would Approve

We have a feeling that Bugs Bunny would approve of this brilliant parenting hack! Getting your kids to wait to open their presents is like asking your dog to decide if it wants to be inside or outside. It’s simply against their nature and can’t be done.

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That’s why this parenting hack is so genius! Instead of expecting the child to have self-control, you simply take away the temptation of opening the gifts early. Problem solved!

No One Cares

Both elements of this tweet are true. It’s true that no one actually believes that Die Hard is a Christmas movie. That being said, it’s also true that no one cares if you believe it is.

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People who try to pretend that Die Hard is a Christmas movie experience so much cognitive dissonance that they feel the need to convince everyone else. The truth is that no one cares what movie you choose to watch on Christmas — so just enjoy!

Christmas Through the Ages

Holiday experiences change as you get older. As a kid, you receive gifts. As an adult, you’re buying most of the presents. As a child, decorations just seem to magically appear out of nowhere.

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As a grownup, you’re responsible for making your home look festive. Another thing that changes with age is how nervous you get about your parent standing on a ladder. That’s the true test to see how old someone is.


The whole debate about what to say around the holidays is pretty amusing. After all, at the end of the day, you’re just wishing someone well. So, who cares about your exact word choice when the sentiment is clear?

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Even if you wish someone a pleasant holiday that they don’t celebrate, they’ll still be grateful that you had good intentions. Just make sure not to assume that someone wants to be happy. You don’t know them!

Australian Santa

Santa must be getting a feeling that he’s not at the North Pole anymore! Of course, this would be exactly how Santa gets around in Australia. After all, it’s summertime in Australia at Christmas, so Santa’s usual routine isn’t going to cut it.

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He can’t really drive the sleigh without snow, and his reindeer wouldn’t be very comfortable in the heat. Instead, he has to scuba dive his way around with the help of some festive fish. We’re sure that one of those fish is named Rudolph!

A Christmas Bandit

Instead of Rapunzel letting down her hair, someone let down the Christmas decorations. Now the only question is, were they trying to sneak out? Or were they attempting to sneak someone in?

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Truthfully, someone was probably just feeling lazy and didn’t know what to do with the leftover string of Christmas lights, so they just threw it off to the side. Either that, or we’ve got a serious Romeo and Juliet situation on our hands.

The Easiest Month of Parenting

Parenting is never easy but December is probably one of the job’s less impossible moments. Kids are usually on their best behavior since they’re worried Santa won’t bring them gifts if they’re on the naughty list.

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The whole “Santa is watching” line can’t guarantee that it’ll result in good behavior, but it’s definitely a shot worth taking. Now, we just need to think of something for the other 11 months of the year…

Build a Wall

Christmas has the month of December and the month of November belongs to Thanksgiving. There’s a system! If we let go of all boundaries and rules, we’ll simply have chaos.

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All the people who put their Christmas decorations up in November need to realize that they’re part of the problem. There’s a time and a place for everything, meaning December — and only December — is the designated time for Christmas. We need to free November!

Getting in the Spirit

Christmas doesn’t always feel complete without a tree to tie it all together. What makes a Christmas tree, though? Do you specifically need an evergreen? Does it have to be decorated?

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Do the lights make the tree festive or are the ornaments more important? As far as this person’s concerned, it’s not about the tree itself but how you celebrate around it — with a big family fight.

Time to Turn the Tables

Is it technically a Christmas movie or a Halloween movie? Maybe it’s best to just watch The Nightmare Before Christmas twice a year.

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Either way, the real nightmare before Christmas isn’t always as fun as Jack Skellington singing a song. This person thought the whole year qualified as a nightmare before Christmas. Hopefully, this means the holiday is the turning point.

Great Minds

When you don’t know what to get someone for Christmas or you can’t afford anything, you could always opt to make a memorable moment instead. This joke would have been funny if one person had done it.

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The fact that both of these sisters had the exact same idea, executed in the same way, makes it even funnier. It’s like they always say — great minds think alike!

Now With Holiday Cheer

There are times in life when it’s all about perspective. Sometimes, you have to look at where you are versus where you were to see how far you’ve come.

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This person was reminiscing about a time when their ride home was dreary and sad. Now, it was still dreary and sad but they had some classic holiday hits to cry to. Is that a silver lining or a complaint?

Add Some Levity

Everyone has parts of their job they don’t enjoy. This person seemed to have a real problem with their boss. How do you handle getting yelled at by your boss from time to time?

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According to this person, you can just add a funny disguise to the door to make it easier to sit through the tirade they were on the receiving end of using a bit of humor.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.