Daily News from London, Greater London, England (2025)

I I I I a a a a a a a a a THE DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1859. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Gozzo on tho 22nd crew ed Fed. -Maita, March 5. ARRIVED.

CASUALTIES. Corrido, off of the Dundee, Leland of Captain Newton, with guano, co a sunken Trinidad, near Guayinas, on the 28th and was sold as a wreck. the loss telegram from Constantinople, yesterday, reports of the tuecan barque Dalmato, Captaia Troli, from London and Constantinople to Odessa, wi.b a genoral March Hot-pur, Captain Mellin, from London to Melbourne, which arrived here on the 4th March, is leaky, making two inches of water per March 1. Mongolia, from this port for Boeten, has put back leaky. Liverpool, Murch Thye, from Alexandria to the United Kingdom, was totally lost at ALMA-at Cork, March 5, from Lisbon ANTIPODE -at Hull, March 5, from Paterno ATAHUALFA-at March 6, Caldera Deal, 7, from AGATHA-at Falmouth, March 6, AVANCE-olt Dover, March from Por amoutb.

March 6, London ARIEL-off the Lizard, Afarch 3, from enti ALBRRT-at Gravesend, March from Gravesend, Mareb 7, from BONNE -at Falmouth, Marob 6. from Galatz Dangeness, March 4, from Orleans Falmouth, March 7, Odesr8 CAMBRIA--at QueenstowD, Murch 5, Odessa CiTo-at Dublin, March 4, from Aveiro Portiniluen, March 3, from Leghorn CANMOREE-off Liverpool, March CONFERENCE--aC Queenetown, March 4, from Mauritius Greenock, March 4. 001 Demerara CLARIeSA-at Sunderland, March 4, from CRESCENT --at Gruvesend, March 7, from Guernsey DOLPHIN -at Gravesend, March 7, from DIANA -a: Falmouth, March 6, from EUROPE -at Excouth, March 5, from Charente Porteullaen, March 3, Leghorn ELENORE--at Queenetown, March 5. from Iorail ELIZABRIII off Duugeness, March 6, Batavia EAuL OF -ut Torbay. March 3, from London EVAN CANNA the Start, March 5, London EGAN-at Falmouth, March 7, from Odessa Eupia-at Liverpool, March 6, at Liverpool, March 6, Lisbon FLYING DUTCHMAN-at biarch 5, Rio Janeiro FRIGA-at Falmouth, March 6, Gungra FORET--at Gruresend, March 7, Gravelines Gruverend, March 7, from Ghent FYEN0ORD-at Gravesend, March 7, GULTERUS-at GRassEkk--at Gravesend, March March 7, Penang Shields, 6, from Lisbon G.

STEPANO -at Queenstown, March Mares 6, 5, Venice HENEY AND DOBA-at Greenocs, March 4, H. E. Hows--at March 5, HELENK-at Falmouth, March 7, from INKERMANN- at Falmouth, 7, Odessa Falmouth, March 6, Rico JOHN BARBOUK-Off Liverpool, March 7 JOSuPR-at Liverprol, March 7, St. Male JOVELLAND8 (8) -at Deal, March 6. Westward JORN G.

COSTER-off the Lizard, March from York JOVELLANA8- at Gravesend, March 7, Cadiz JULIA-at Gravedend, March 7, Guernsey JULES-at Gravesend, March 7, Gravelines JEAN, BAPTISTE MARIE-at Liverpool, March 7, from Nantes LIONNE-at Gravesend, March 7, Gravelines MARENGO-at Liverpool, March 6, from Charleston MARIA Falmouth, March 7, from Odessa MARY-at Queenstown, March 5, Galatz MAID OF TAR MILZ-at Queenstown, Maroh 5, Malta MAID OF JUDAH-off the Wight, March 5, Torbay, March 3, London MONSOON--at Plymouth, March 4, MARIA-off the Lizard, March 3, MARGARET AND JANE-at Silly, March 2, Odessa MINA-at Falmouth, March Matanzas MARION- at Falmouth, March 7, from Odeeza NONNER TIrO (Rio)-at Falmonth, March Marob 6, NEPTUNE-at Falmouth, 7,, from ONDA -at Gravesend, March 7, from ODESSA Orro-off (a)-at Falmouth, Deal, March 6, March 7, Westward Pill, March 5, Michael' PERILLA--at Falmouth, March 6, from QUIVRE-off Falmouth, 7, Michael's Girgenti REGINA-in the Downs, March 6, Eierra Leone 8T, AXLENA-at Queenatowa, March 5, Constantinople Deal, Marob 7, BARAR PRINCEPS-at Falmouth, March 6, Falmouth, March 7, 8T. CLAIa-ot Falmouth, March 7, from SAXOLJOT-in the Downe, March 6, from SUMATRA-at Portsmouth, March 6, Batavia Gravesend, March 7, Caloutta TURBOT--at Gravesend, March 7, Gravelines TAUBO-at Falmouth, March 6, VELOCITY--in Lowestoft Roade, March from WALKER -at Shields, March 6, Yeravaz-off Dungenese, 8, SAILED. ALARM -from St. Mawes, Marob 5, Oporto ARMAI3-from Hartlepool. March 5, Odessa AERIAL--from Sunderland, March 5, Trieste BRILLIANT--from Fowey, March 5, Lucia BINACHO-from Shields, March 6, Lisbon Shields, March 6, CLANSMAN -from Falmouth, Falmouth, March March 5, 4, Constantinople Genoa COMMODORE -from Sunderland, March 5, to Odesa EMMA COLLEY--from Falmouth, March 5, to EDWARD Ply mouth, March 4, Honduras Liverpool, March 6, Rotterdam Falmouth, March 5, Rico GEM FAMILIE -from TROUW-from March Falmouth, March 5, Shields, 6, HARMONY--from Southampton, March 5, Bastia Scilly, March 3, Belena JOSEpH-froma shields, March 6, JOHN HARLEY -from Queenstown, March 5, Barbadoes Aquilas LADY LOUISA -from Beaumaris, March 5, Bombay LizzY-from Shields, March 6, Alexandria MONARCH Sbielde, March 6, Gibraltar MARMOBA-from Shields, March 6, PENOVIN-from Sunderland, March 5, Genoa PACK--from Falmouth, March 4, Trieste ROVER -from Sunderland, March 5, York SAN -from Hartlepool, March 5, Genoa STATELY -from Swaneea, Marob 6, to Caldera Ww.

VOLUMNIA HENAY-from -from Sundarland, March March 8, 5, to Alexandria VESSELS SPOKEN WITH. Apropos. 56 from Madras for London 60 days, Jan. 10, lat 31 23 8, lon, 18 E. Anue 21 Longton, from Liverpool, 25 days for Calcutta, Jan.

31, lat 4 56 lon 13 W. British lat 40 12 Ensign lon (brig), 10 58 Sennett, from Liverpool for Barcelona, Feb. 20, W. Bellona (barque), of Liverpool, bound west, 24, lat 88 11 lon 22 12 w. Dirigo (abip), from Milford Haven for Melbourne, lat 2 lon 27.

Goede Verwachting, Van Lindonck, from Liverpool for Batavia, Feb. 28, lat 50 06 Jon 7 16 W. George Marshall, Feb. 28, lat 48 51 lon 8. 16 W.

James Smith, from Bombay 11 days for Liverpool, Nov. 5, lat 12 28 1on 7444 E. John Tucker (American ship), from Calcutta 40 days for Boston, Dec. 7, lat 25 14 lon 59 35 E. Malabar, sailing east, lat 88 N.

loo 44 W. Melanethon (barque), from Colombo 42 days, Jan. 6, off the Cape of Good Hope. Pride of the Thames (clipper barque), Feb. 29, lat 48 lon 15 W.

Quindaro (echooner), for Rio Janeiro, Feb. 25, lat 43 lon 11 W. T. F. Gates, from Livorpool 10 days, lat 49 lon 9 W.

Wallace (abip), from Clyde for Me bourne, lat 1 108 27 W. THE INDIA AND CHINA MAILS. -The Indus arrived at Southampton on Monday with the heavy portion of the Calcutta mail, and and her dates are: Alexandria, Feb. 20; Malta, 25; Gibraltar, March 1. She passed the Indian rail packet Ceylon on the 27th between Malta and Gibraltar.

LETTERS TO THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. -The Nova Scotian (s. sails to-morrow (Wednesday) from Liverpool to Portland, with the mails for Canada and the United States. Letters for Canada will be received at the Liverpool letter-box till 9.45 a.m., with late fees till 10.15 a.m., and on the landing-stage until within a few minutes of the departure of the wail tender, Letters for the United States must be addressed "per Nova Scotian" or private ebip," and prepaid. They will be received till 10.15 a.m., with late fees till 10.30 a.m.

The following notice was issued from the General Post-office yesterday, viz. steamer Pacific to sail from was appointed Galway on the 5th inst. with a mail for Newfoundland, but the notice of her having sailed has not yet been received at this office. received GALWAY, that the MARCH bodies has just been of six seamen have been washed ashore on the North Island of Arran. WRECK ON THE GOODWIN received at Lloyd's yesterday announces that a smack had gone telegram aahore on the Goodwin Sands, and gone to pieces.

Boats put off from shore, which were enabled to save the crew. A DIVER Thursday, while boat's crew were engaged about the wreck of the Saxon King, off Corsewall Point, a man named David barque Torrance put on a diving-dress and descended into the position of the chain cable. For a short time examine deep water to satisfactory signals came from below, but those ceasing, the men above became alarmed, and drew up the diver, when they among found the him of quite the dead. The air pipe had got entangled steps ladder, and a supply of air had thus been prevented. -Dumfries Standard.

The laying down a submarine telegraph cable between Rangoon and Singapore is advocated by the Indian pross, in order to facilitate a telegraphic communication beThe tween India and China. The expense is estimated at 150,0007. interest on this capital at five per cent. is 7,5007. a year, and it is said that three or four opium merchants in India would gladly guarantee that sum to have a monopoly of opium messages.

exported last year opium to the value of eight millions sterling. The selling price of the drug Varies frequently as much as 10 per involving property to the extent of some a year, and revenue to fully half thut amount. The commission on lighthouses, appointed last month, consiets of A Hamilton, Captain A. P. Ryder, and Messre, J.

H. Gladstone, Duncan Dunbar, and S. R. Graves. They are to inquire into the efficiency and cost of the present system both here and in the colonies, and after comparing it with the methods of foreign countries to report if any change can be advantageously made.

Varicoso veins, swollen legs, of the AND HOLLOWAY'S PILLS the leg, caused by a sluggishness of the circulation onlargement veins of which prevents tho Tree return of the blood or by long standing, painful and troublesome complaint. The application from the of this extremities, is Ointment and course of these equally valunble Pills inestimable remedy for these discasos. 'These medicaments are a certain tone to the system, rapidly brace up the affected impart an astringent circulation, Their joint correctire action can neror limb, fail. and improve tho should be rubbed in twice day, after The Ointment The effect on all discases of the feet fomentation, and and the Pills taken permanent. legs is curative and BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS.

BIRTHS. March 3, at Dent, Yorkshire, the wife of the Rev. R. H. ELLICO -March 5, at Barrows Hedges, Carshalton, the wifo of G.

B. Ellicombe, of a son. GRAY. -March 4, nt Sudbury, Suftoik, the wife of the Rev. F.

M.A.. of a sou. -March 3, at Ham House, Surrey, Lady Hun tiogtower, of son and heir. LIVETT -March 3, at Chamberlain-street, Wells, Somerset, the wife, of H. W.

Livett. of a son. 3, at Upper Lee Dublin, the wife of W. F. MacClinton, of a suD.

4, nt Arundel-square, Islington, tho wife of G. Wilkinson, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. Feb, 26, at Rome, before John Freehorne, British Consul, Frederick Lee Bredell, CO Eliza Floreace Fox, only dauxuter of W. J.

Fox, M. P. 3, at the parish church, Leeds, by the Rev. E. Greenbow, late J.

Christie, of Leeds, to Mary Elizabeth, daughter of the J. Wade, of Blouheim-terrace, Leeds. Durniord, Kogal Marine March 3, Artillery, at to Witton, Julia, near daughter Norwich, of the D- late J. Penrice, Esq. DEATHS.

March 3, J. Foster, of Heptonstall Slack, near Halifax, aged 56. -March 4, at Stanley-place, Paddington, General W. C. Fraser, of the Madras Ariny, aged 15.

2, at Ligh-street, Wapping, J. Handey, aged 72. 5, at Norwich. Mary Ann, the younger daughter of the late Mr. Thomas King, of that city.

KING. -March 5, at Walthamstow, Essex, Mr. F. B. King, aged 78.

informed that MOURNING of Public every are description, respectfully in the terins wreatest to variety, purchasers, suited will to be all requirements, upon the inost advantageous found ready for mediate use, with an tensire WAREHOUSE, variety of the choice millinery, at PUGH'S FAMILY MOURNING Regent-stroes (corner first of Now ostablished in Burlington-street). the United Kingdom, 103, Widows' all country orders sent of lintedlatoly upon their receipt. The FANCY best assortment of new MOHAIRS FASHIONABLE DRESSES. and from 12s. 213.

MATERIALS for LADIES' MORNING DANSSES, to Livening and Ball Dresses in Sole des Tlasues, Tulles, and Tarlataus (double jupes, or robes volants), from 10s. 6d. to 609. robes Rich tike, rich of the past season, cousisting of costly velvet flounced brocaded flounces, at haif-price. Two buudred pieces of new Fancy Chock Silks (wide widths), twelve yards in the 35s.

6d. A foreign stouk of plain and embroidered Cambric Handkerchiefs, at a large discount from the cost Patterns will be forwarded to ladies unable to visit tho Establishment. SEWELL and Frith-street, Sobo, London. VELF-MEASUREMENT only SHIR'0 MANUFACTURERS to whom a Prize Medal was from 148., warranted Shirts, shrunk. 98., Best and 13s, Flannel Shirts and Vests, Hoslery, BRIE and Conduit-street, Hanover -aquare.

Manufactory on the premises. INDIA OUTFITS and GLENNY manufacture the following Articles expressly for India, which are sold only at their Establishinent, 152, STRAND. Thresber's Kashmir Flannel Shirts. Threshor's Military Shirts. Thresher's Indla Gauzo Walatcoats.

Thresher'a India Tweed Suite. Thresher's Overland Trunks. Thresher's Cabiu Bag for Steamers, for N.B. India, Lists of had prices, and detalled particulars of the requisite outfit Outfittera, way next ho door on Somerset application to THRESHER and GLENNY, to House, Strand. DEFORM YOUR TAILORS' BILLS! DOUDNEY and SONS' LADIES' RIDING MABITS, £4 43.

Princess Footman's Suit. Frederiok £3 38. William Patronired by the Qucon, Prince Consort, DOUDNEY and of Prussia, and all the Royal Family.bar -street. SONS, 17, Old Bond-street; 25, Burlington Established, 1784. 4580.000 lost by the consumers sum of annually England through paying an Inordinate- profit to Retailers for many articles of he has necessity add and the luxury; elther the Retailer charges exorbitantly or but often to likewise to that prime cost the not only the profit of the manufacturer, which otherwise of Internediate denler in addition to that would satisfy him.

E. MOSES and SON, however, ARE MANUFACTURERS, and possess numerous such connexions, facilities and ad rantazes that, capital, enabled to offer enormous returns, and long exporience, they are to ALL DESCRIPTIONS of OLOTHING (ready-made and made measure), HATE, CAPS, and SHOES, at a smaller pofit on the cost of production than COULD be charged by any other house. N. Proprietors wish it to be particularly observed, that if article is not approved of, it will be exchanged, or the money roturned any without hesitation. Our New Book, List "The People's useful Telegrapb," containing our SelfIN essurement, of Prices, inforination, correct Map of the Atlantic Submarine Telegraph, gratis, on application, or post free.

An application. ALMANAOK for 1859, elegantly illustrated, can be had (gratis) on E. MOSES and SON'S establishments are as follow: and Minories, opposite to Aldrate Church, COUNTRY BRANCH. URANCHE8. New Oxford-street, and Hart-street.

-Sheffeld and Bradford, Yorkabire. B. ADAMS and SON'S PATENT REVERSIBLE having come tothe knowledge of Messrs. A that foreign watches in imitation of their Patent have been imported and offered for sale, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the BALE of such WATCHES, either of British or such thnt the watches licence of be made. ADAMS must be obtained before any sale of foreign manufacture, 3 is an INFRINGEMENT of the sald Patent, and March can legally --21, St.

John's-squaze, London, E.0., 2,1859. BENNETT'S in silver, MODEL frem 5 WATCH, in gold, 65, from 12 Cheapside. guts, FREDERICK the Queen DENT, and Prince Chronometer, Consort, and Watch, maker of and the great Exchange. clock for the Houses of Parliameat, 61, Strand, and 34, Royal No connasion with 35, Cookepur-street. -WATHERSTON and BROGDEN Invoice recommend Fino Gold the and public Pure to Gold." have the Carat Gold stated on the delusion.

WATHERSTON and as applied to Jewellery, being a wrt cles manufastured by them, are sold upon GOLD this principle, CHAINS, and and BROGDEN'S all at garden, the Assays prices, made of chains Manufactory, and 16, Henrietta-street, CoventThis establishment closes at 6 in the evening, and on for Saturdays la. at 1. jewellery each Plate, INGTON Manufacturing and 811 versmiths, Patentees Bronzists, of the beg to Electro- inti. of mate new that Design. they la have the added highest to class their of extensive a large variety for them the Paris Exhibition the art, which have recently obtained at decoration of the' Cross of the only Legion of accorded Honour, to as well as the The Grande d'Honnour (the to them under at the Exhibition In 1851.

Each article bears their mark, E. and one the trade). Oounoll Medal was alse awarded Co. CrOWD, and articles sold as being plated by Elkington's 15, patent process afford no guarantoe of Regent street, and Moorgate-street, London: 29, Collego green, and at their Manufactory, Newhall-street, Fatimates and drawings sent free by post. Re-plating and gilding as arual.

MAPPIN'S Warranted good by the Makers. RAZORS, MAPPIN'S 28. RAZORS Shave well for Three Years. well for MAPPIN'3 Ten Fears. 38.

RAZORS (suitable for Hard or Soft Beards) Shave TAPPIN'S DRESSING CASES and TRAVELLING BAGS. Gentleman's Leather Dressing Case, fitted Gentleman's Gentleman's Solid Leather Dressing Case, Leather Travelling and Dressing Bag, fitted with 16 Articles, Outside Pocket, 8 12 Do. Materials, do. Patent with addition of Writing Gentleman's Ink, and Light, 4 10 Gentlercan's Materials, 21 Articles, Outside Pocket 6 10 very largo, 18 in. Bag.

with Dressing and Writing best Glass, 16in. fitted with Writing 26 und Dressing Bay, Plated Fittings, Gentleman's and Articles, 10 0 17 fu. Writing handsome, Dressing Bag, fitted with every Enamel necessary, very completo 14 5 fitted with Leather 14 Articles, Lady's Travelling Bag, 13 Lined Silk, Morocco Outside Pocket, complete 2 15 Leather Lady's Travelling Bag, Lined fitted Do. with 16 Articles, do. Outside Pocket, complete 4 addition of Writing 4 do.

with Levant Materials, Ink, Lady's and Light, complete. 5 6 with 28 Leather Writing and Dressing Bag, 15 fitted Articles, complete. 8 18 Levant with'30 Leather Lady's Writing and Dressing Bag, 15 fitted Levant Leather Articles, Outside complete 12 10 Lady's Silver Travelling and Dressing Bug, 15 fitted Brusbes. very very complete, Tops to Glass and Bottlen, Ivory A costly Book of handsome, Engravings, complete with Prices 22 0 0: on receipt of Twelve Stamps. attached, forwarded by Post MAPPIN BROTHERS, 67 and 68, KING WILLIAM-STREET, CITY, Manufactory--Queen's Outlery Works, Sheffield.

LONDON; A LLEN'S Trunks, Travelling PATENT Bags, Writing and PORTMANTEAUS, Drossing Oases, Ladies' Boxes, newest Dressing for bomo Bays with silver fittings, and 500 other articles of the Despatch style or continental travelling, illustrated in their new ALLEN'S CATALOGUE for 1859, by post for two stamps. with Bramab Lock. SOLID LEATHER QUADRUPLE PORTMANTEAU, ALLEN'S ALLEN'S NEW PATENT DESPATCH TRAVELLING BAG, with ALLEN'S BOX, with or without Dressing Case. square opening. ALLEN'S DRESSING BAG, with silver fittings.

Theso articles can OVERLAND be TRUNK for INDIA, with metallic lining. kind confidently recommended as the best of their yet invented. and J. W. and T.

ALLEN, Manufacturers of Officers' Barrack Furniture 18 and 22, Military Straud. Outfittera for the Camp or Field (see separate catalogue), BUSINESS DWARDS' and MANUFAOTORY celebrated is REMOVED DRESSING-CASE from King. be street, seen the most Bloomsbury-aquare, extensive stock in NEW London where may writing cases, travelling bags, and useful of elegancies, first-class suitable dressing for bridal and and other presenta. Royal Letters Patent. of 200 medical WHITE'S gentlemen to be the LEVER most TRUSS is allowed by upwards curative treatment of HERNIA.

The use of a effective steel invention spring, in often the burtful in ite effects, la here avolded: a soft bandage being 80 round the body, while the requisite resisting power is supplied by worn the and MOO- closeness MAIN PAD ANd PATENT LEVER; fitting with so that it cannot be detected, and may be worn during much sleep. ease A the descriptive circumference circular of the may body be two had, and inches the below Trues forwarded by post, on the maker, Mr. WHITE, 228, Piccadilly. the hips being sent to same principle, and a female to wait An Umbilical Truss on the upon ladies. DRECKNELL'S SKIN SOAP, the best for eight squares.

a clear Brecknoll's and healthy skin; in 1s. packets pro-: Glycerine of four tablets or rough or chapped; in packets of four Soap, for use when skin Turner, and Sons, manufacturers of wax, tablets, 1s. 6d. -Brecknell, site, and tallow candles to her Majesty, agents spermaceti, stearine, compoCompany, dealers in all other patent candles, to all Price's kinds of Patent Candle and tollot soaps, and in colza, sporm, vegetable, housebold Beebire, 31, Haymarket, Each and tablet other lamp oils, stamped with "BRECKNELL. and square is WHITE and SOFT LONDON HANDS SOAP throughout the PANY 76, New Bond-street, have prepared a And new OANDLE COMSOAP t1s.

per pound, which, by its continued WINTER SKIN softest bands and whitest of skin, oren 1n the use, coldest will produce the hardest water; it is beautifully soft in use, weather and Bole Also every other kind of Skin, Toilet, and agrecably Fancy perfumed. bars, squares, or tablets, of every colour, name, and shape, at Soaps, wholesale in prices. requiring any kind LINEN of WAREHOUSE. respectfully invited to arnd for patterns for comparison to the required until LINEN examined and sent free, and payment not NATIONAL approved, the the purchaser having the option of returuin: al pertion girlug highest the National Lineu Company, 130, New Bond-street: corner of or 105, Freet-street, tovt of D.0. Price liats with samples post free.

BOOKCASES in plate-ginss Mabogany massive and Dining Walnut, Tables, Ladies' SideWardrobes with long folding doors and glass panels, inlaid eblueta and Easy Chairs, A variety of now designs of the abore artices, all of inanufacture, on inspection in the extensive show routs of ROBERT FISHER aud cabinet makers and upholsterers, 32, Finsbury-place, corner of Finsbury-square. FURNITURE. Bedding, Carpeta, stuffed all Damasks, hair, 12s. 6d. Floorcloth, each walnut -Mahogany rose wood dining.room chairs, settees to match, from 708.: a large stock of iron bodsteade, chairs, or druwing-room from 149.

wn. bstunds, with marble top. carved trusses. 218. An illustrated book of designs and furnishi-g caulogue, by the aid of which parties can easily estimate the cost of furnishing a house completely, inay bo bad gratis on application, any single article being obtainable at the prices Delhorn.

quoted therein -HOW ITT and 225, 227, 228 329, 230, High XTRAORDINARY DISPLAY of SECONDHAND FURNITURE, covering a space of moro than SIXTY Western THOUSAND Furniture -J. DENT and proprietors of the Great square streot, beg inost Baznir, to 30, 31, invite 32, and 99, Crawford-street, Baker. description of FURNITURE to their of purchasers of any respectfully the attention consisting of entire suites of drawing, at dining, present and bed unrivulled room furniture, STOCK, chased manufactured from br several the best noblemen houses and in. London, which they have just pursuch circumstances as enable gentlemen leaving England, under its then to offer any portion at less than onethird of originni cost. Drery article warranted, and th IDORCy TOturned if not approved of.

-PRINCIPAL ENTRANCE, 99, OLAW. FORD-STEEET, Baker-street. FURNITURE, new and band, Established by SEDDONS, WILKINSON, and other eminent, Every article marked 1830. The largest collection in the metropolis. Several in plain figures.

Show rooms 150 feet long. loss drawing-room suites, in silk and velvet, on vlew, at also than some one-haif the specimens o.st; of dmwing-room chairs. in silk, 2L3. ench; choice second-band oak dining room furniture; mass.ve dining chairs, covered with real skins, 21a. each, noble Arabian telescopo dining bedsteads, tables, 429.

to dine pursone, 7 guineay- ench; splendid enob 3 feet inarble top washstands, 21s. ench panel door, 12 panish mahogany each; winged wardrobes, with large plate-glass 28. 60. per yard, worth 39. an immense tapestry nssortment of Brussels iron carpots bedguineas rich three- thread stends, from 73.

6d. (manufactory, Birmingham). The trade supplied. Goods packed free Principal entrance, 166 und 167, Edgware Paddington. road.

Workshops, adjoining 30. New Church-street West, FURNITURE D'HONNEUR and DEC EXPOBITION UNIVERSELLE, 1855. PRIZE MEDAL GREAT EXHIBITION OF 1851. about to JACKSON and GRAHAM invite the nobility, gentry, and familles Galleries, and decorate or furnish to visit their spacious SHOW-ROOM8, Manufactory, at $5, 87, and 38, OXFORD-STREET, and Perry's-place, Froston-place, and Newman's-mews adjoining. REDS, MATTRESSES, and BEDSTEADS.and BEDSTEADS WILLIAM S.

19 BURTON'S NEW and LIST of BEDS, BEDDING, The of beds, READY, of can be had gralle. quality mattresses, every description, he is able to guaran'ee. They are are made on the premises, in the presence of customers. Their House prices in harmony with those which have tended to make his Ironmongery Establishment the most extensive in the kingdom. Feather German beda spring mnttresaes.

to 0 Best -Alva and cotton Wool mattresses 0 07 Flock Toilet sheets. Patent Horse-bair quilts mattresses Rbeocline mattresses. beds 2 10 16 00 6 Counterpares. Portable folding bedateads Patent iron bed tends, dove-tail joints. Children's cots 15 Ornamental brass ditto 10 20 Bed Illustrated hangings, in every varlety set 0 10 10 Catalogues sent (per post) free.

39, and 6, and OXFORD-STREET. 1, 1A, NEWMAN STRECT 4, 6, PERRY'S-PLACE, London: A.D. 1820. DROWN (Brothers), Patentees of the CAM. BRIDGE and BED for Barrack, Field, or Suspensory Chairs, forming lounge or bed.

Spring reading or private library, use. and luxurious. soveral portables nd easy kinds of Chaire, all patented, novel, and -165, Piccadilly. from SERVICES of 108 Pieces, in Stone from neat Ohina, plain patterns 2s, to the Several most costly hundred services always on view. services, dessert, in equal variety, Richly designs, cut glass for Breakfast the table and tea of In every London, description.

and offect Persons saving of furnishing 16 to may select from the largest atock 87, Oxford-street, near a circus. 20 per cent. at ADAM and 0o, Regent- GAS EXPLOSIONS PREVENTED. THE TERRIBLE GAS EXPLOSION in WING CHANDELIER had the been PATENT SAFETY ATLAS These Obandeliers, used this terrible accident could nos have sinilar which prevent all accidents of this or any spectable character, mny bo had from all chandelier dealers and gas-fitters in town aud country. No sliding chandelleral are resafe but the Patent Safety Atlas, -Atlas Works, Hatton-garden.

39, Offce, a H. HATTON-GARDEN, HARVEY and opposite GAS the CHANDELIER Assay Show-roomE. immense Stook alwage on view in thelr assortFITTINGS will of OUT found CRYSTAL, Glass, Ormolu, and Bronze cheapest in London. be The whole on marked Inspection to be the largest, best, and GAS Two-licht cut crystal class chandeliera, at from the 308. lowest each.

possible prices. of rooms for Trafalgar-squaro. magnitudo the largest for In Londou, extending the entire length Their show. (by appointment to No her charge Majesty), gas fitting estimates. GARDNERS' cannou-street, adjoining.

Established 453 105 and 63, Strand; 3 and 4, Duoyears. GAS ROYAL POI those LECTURE on the Security, Beauty. and should Economy hear of Mr. the KING'S requiring GAB CHANDELIERS SAFETY SLIDING GAS OHANDELIER, delivered DAILY ATLAS above Institution. Highly recommended by the at the and scientific men; and sold by all respectable Press, gas companies, D.

GAS HULETT CHANDELIERS, and GLASS LUSTRES, MANUFACTURERS HALL of and TARNS, 66, High Holborn. Pattern Book, with Price List complete, proe 128. -667 LANDAVIES'S CANDLES, 64d. and 7d. per lb.

genuine war, 28. 8d. wax best or sperm, sperm, 2s. 1a. German tranaparent wax, 28.

and WAX, la. Old. metaillo patent for sperm, Palmer's or WAX, lamps, La. 04d. composite, WAX, LA.

34d. botanic size, sperm, soap, Oolza oil, 48. 6d. per gallon French. 48.

moulda, 84d. magnums, midmottled, el 1 yellow brown 428., 1s. 9d. 468., and 503. per 112ibs.

Windsor, white Windsor, per paoket: common brown 28. 8d. -for carb, at M. Windsor, P. la.

DAVIES 4d. and boney, SON'S 4d. rose, 28. almond, house, 63. At.

Martin's lane, Obnrina-cross, London, W. 0. old price is now 253. SCREENED COALS, as sapplied by por them ton, to cash, her for the Majesty, BEST --13, Eaton- wharf, Purficet Belgrave-place, Enri-street, B. Blackfriare, and Cornhill, E.0.; wharl, Pimlico, W.

from the CLAY CROSS COLLIERIES. Annual Sales upwards of 150,000 tons. The end, 208. per ton: secondA, 188., cash on delivery. best, Depots equal at to Wallaton, Shopberds' Bush, Kilburo, Camden-town, nnd Kensing.

land. Ordere to the nearest or to JOHN B. Kingsagent to the Olay Oross Company. 12, Burwood-place, Edg WILCOX, sole road, COAL, establiabed 1828, and is OLD SILKSTONE raised) from the Great Nortbern Railway now delivered Company's (in Coal its Depot Integrity at AS King'6-cross Station. Present price, delivered (screened) within the miles, 20a, per ton.

-Address, Nr. HERBERT CLARKE, sole agent five for coal King-cross. delivered in London by the Great Northern Railway Oompany, COALS, Bridge Wharf, W. STURGE, Oity-road. 238.

Bakers' Coals Welsh (smokeless) 223. and other Inferior 17s. 188. Steam Coals. Screw and and Haswell Wallsend, the best house and and Kingeland Coal collieries by screw steamers: 948.

per ton, direct from the coals, 2nd class, 208. Olay Cross Main, 1st class, 2nd Sillikatone, olnss, let class, 218. Hartlepool, 23s. 178. 6d.

per ton, net cash. Delivered screened to any 188. Barnaley, Address, LEA and Chief Offices, North London part Railway of London. Highbuy, Ielington, and Kingaland. Stations, ESTABLISHED 1742.

ERE A AN ANGLICANA; Discovered and or, most ENGLISH HERB DIET DRINK, 50 gears, by the late JOSHUA prescribed in an extensive practice for beneficially cure of WEBSTER, M.D., M. 0.8.E., for the Skin Asthma Disenses, nad Influenza, Inciplent Consumption, being a sure purifier of the blood, and invaluable Rheumatic as a Affections, Nervousand restorative. powerful of cure Pamphlets and of thia testimonials, genuine sent herbal medicine (gratis), free by post. -Prepared only containing by Edward cases and Slee and obtainable of sole all Medicine Proprietors, 46, Piccadilly, corner Vendore, in bottles, of the Albany anc 10s. each.

at 28. 4s. A that Cod POPULAR Liver Oil must necessarily be The erroneous notion has been most satisfactorily refuted, whenever the unpleasant real to the pala to article can be obtained, by numberless eminent and genuine extensively prescribed DE JONGH'8 exceedingly physicians who bave COD LIVER OIL. Amongst high palatable Dr. Granville, F.

Dr. De Jongb's Oil authorities, have nausea tasted and your indigestion." Oil, and find Dr. it not Sberidan at all Muspratt, F.R.8., writes: 1 does not cause mendation." -Dr. De Jongb'e Oil is sold only in very iraperial great recom29. 6d.

pints, 48. and quarts, 98., capsuled and half pints, stamp and signature, by his Solo Agents, ANBAR, labelled HARFORD, with his 77, Strand, London, W.0., and by respectable chemists, and DERSONS who cannot swallow COD LIVER OIL CAKES, should which are take NEWBERY and SONS' contains one teaspoonful of the finest oil, not nausente. Each cake pleasant and do COD LIVER witbout suspicion. They resemble gingerbread and is taken even by children supersede Cod Liver Oil from its portability and greater appearance, and will in this combination. Invalids travelling should not be without digestibility in ef even both as an animal articie and of diet vegetable while nutrition, travelling, they possess them, for most sustaining and large invigorat- amount 46, ing.

St. -Prepared by F. NEWBERY London: and and sold SONS (established A.D. 1746), and country. Price, 1s.

3s. by chemists, in town Patent of England, and by Royal Letters macie de Paris, and the Imperial secured College by of the seals of l'Ecole de Pharministered by Valpeau, Lallemand, Roux, The Medicine, Patentee Vienna, as attends addaily hours at of 11 No. and 19, 2, and Berners-street, from 5 till 8, where Oxford-street, the medicines London, between the baustion Triesemar, of the No.1, is system. remedy Triesemar, for No.l2, relaxation, spermatorrhon, and exbe had. of three days, completely and entirely eradicates effectually, all in traces the orders which 80 often ruin the health of portion of those disNo.

8, is the great a Continental remedy for of that the population, Triesemar, class with of disorders which, unfortunately, mercury, to the inevitable destruction of the English patient's physician treats and which all the sarsaparilla in the world cannot remove. constitution, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, are alike devoid of taste or smell, and of all Triesemar, pected. Price They may sent lie on direct the from toilet the table without their use susqualities. nauseating street, Oxford-street, London (free by post establiahment, 8d.

extra, No. to 19, any Bernersthe United Kingdom), or four cases in one for 389. (by post 3s. 2d. part of which saves 119., and in £5 cases saving £1 128..

upon extra), office order, payable to Medicatus, and statement case, receipt of post-! will be sent per return post. Sold by D. Church, the medicines stroet Barclay and Sons, 95, Farringdon-street; 78, Gracechurch-: Manchester and Powell, 15, Westmoreland-street, Ingham, Dublin. AMADIO'S improved. COMPOUND MICROSCOPE, £2 24.

etudents', £3 138. fd. lent Buth of their these are kind, from the more Amadio. expousive ot Throgworton-street, and are excelNo. 315.

A Illustrated largo of achromatic Just pubWords, liched, an obiccta. free Catalogue, containing the names of 1,000 microscople Post for four stamps and INFERIOR PHOTOGRAPHS. newly-inrented Messrs. COTTON apparatue, and WALL are the by their copies of tho above, finished produce in oil improred, enlarged, or diminisbed particulars, Central water Photographic colours, Rooms, from 90, descriptive Cannonor street West. Oity.

FUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY. -The present rate of incrense at the Library exceeds one hundred thowand volumes value. per annum, consisting chiefly of works of permanent interest and date. Single -CHARLES subscription, EDWARD Une Guinea per annuin, commencing. at any MUDIE, New 0 London; and Cross-street, Manchester.

and BIRTHDAY PRESENTS.CASES, and MEDIEVAL INKSTANDS MOUNTED ENVELOPE and BLOTTING scent caskets and bookslides; en ladies' suite: and work, netting, and glove boxes; bags, fitted complete, £5 ladies' gentlemen's travelling dressiug with wide openings; from ladies' 53, reticule and corringe baga, dressing from dressing from £3 38. despatch ladies' boxes, from rosewood 218. dressing silver -top from 128. bottles, from jewel travelling and tourists' walnut cases, oak, cases, etui cases, stationery, cabineta in and and a variety of other articics suitable for presents, too various to be had at A. RODRIGUES', 42, Piccadilly.

PARTRIDGE MAKERS, and No. COZENS, PAPER and street. Full six shillings in the pound cheaper shan.any other house. 1, Chancery-lane, and 192. Fleetblack-bord-red note, note, 36.

per 9d. ream; super thick note, 3s. 6d. per Cream-laid 25. straw 28.

6d. ream; per foolscap paper, 6s. 6d. per ream ream; puper, per manuscript paper, dd. per rear; eerlaid mon paper, plain, ditto, ruled, 59.

per ream; super thick adhesive copybooks, envel-nos, 214, per ed. per gross; 100 quill large pens, blue 18, office ditto, 4s. per 208. 6d. per 100.

Orders over packet forwarded carriage on pard to the of six country. stamps. Illustrated Trade price list, and sample 1841. receipt supplied. Established PATTERN ETCALFE, TOOTH BINGLEY, BRUSHES, and Penetrating Unbleached NEW Hair Brushes, Improved Flesh Brushes, and Genuine Smyrna with Metcalfe's every celebrated description of brush, Tooth comb, and perfumery for the toilet.

Sponges; Alkaline Powder, 2s. per box. -Only Esta130g and 131. Oxford-street, London, W. GREY HAIR RESTORED and to RHEUMATISM its ORIGINAL CURED E.

M. HERRING'S PATENT MAGNETIO VOMB8. HAIR and by for FLESH use, and BRUSHES. cannot get They out of. require order.

no preparation, 10s. are always ready from 28. 6d. to 209. -O flicee: 32, Basinghall-street, London.

158. combs, Brushes, and Host pamphlets, for four Why stamps. Flair Agents becomes Grey, and Its Remedy," gratte, or by Illustrated and Moore: Godfrey and 24, Old Bond-street Savory street; borne-street Saunders, 5, Great 315B, Winter, 206, und Kennedy, 166, Oxford. Conke, Conduit-street: Hendrie, 12, Tich: Marlborough Koas, 119, and Folbora. Bold Burbridze, by all chemiata and Ialington, and perfumers of A TOILET CREAM still for adorning, softening, and fuming the bair.

Price, in jars. in bottles for esportation, 1s, perR. HOVENDEN, 5, Great and 67 and 68, bian Orown-street, Finsbury, E.0. N.B. Instantaneous ColuHair Dye, the best in the world, 48.

8d. 38.. and 148. Publications. MURRAY'S HANDBOOK FOR INDIA.

Maps, Parts post 8vo, A Bombay, HANDBOOK Intended for of the use of INDIA: travellers, officers, Madras and and civilians; expenses, containing comfort, the Information useful before starting as to outfit, health, overland route, With Vocabularies and Professor Dialogues of the spoken Languages. By EDWARD B. EASTWICK, late at Halleybury College. John Murray, Albemarle-street. 230th Thousand.

TURRAY'S MODERN COOKERY. With 100 Illustrative Woodouts. Post 8ro. 5s. The most complete guide yet given to the -John Bull.

John Murray, Albemarle-street, Now in one post cloth, price PRINCE'S JOURNAL; or, An Account of the Lord the Jesus Destruction of the Works of the Devil in the Human Soul Christ through the Gospel. by London Hall and 25. Paternoster-row. THE Now ready, PRINCE In one price 58., cloth. gilt, Illustrated, of the HOUSE of Threo Years in the Holy City.

By the Rev. Professor J. H. or, INGRAHAM. London Arthur Hall, Virtue, and 25, Paternoster ter-row.

foolscap 8vo, POPLAR Author of HOUSE MARY POWELL." ACADEMY. Arthur Hall, Virtue, and 25, Paternoster-row. TEMOIRS week may be had all the Libraries, VI of RUSSIA. of the Written by EMPRESS berself, CATHERINE II. by ALBXANDER HERZEN.

Translated frown and the Edited, French. with a Preface, doubt." these -Times, extraordinary Memoirs genuino we s00 DO reasOn to That 7th Jan. and 60, Paternoster-row. ROUTLEDGE'S NEW LIBRARY OF FICTION. ready, price cloth lettered, THE WIFE THE WARD; or, Life's Lord Stanley.

Error. A By Story Lieut. of Col. Indian MONBY, Life, Dedicated (by permission) to with the Hashi-Bazouks." Forming toe Ist Author volume of of a Twelve series of Months New Original Monthly, cach Works, by eminent writers, which are intended to be fasued complete in a single volume, printed in large type, on good followed paper, by- and strongly bound in cloth, with An Illustration. To be A THE Now MAN Novel, OF ty JAMES GRANT, author of The Romance of War." London Routledge, FORTUNE.

By ALBANY FONBLANQUE, Jun, Warnes, and Routledge, Farringdon-street. Just published, price THE WOMAN'S QUESTION and the MAN'S Legalising ANSWER: Marriage with or, Reflections on the Social Consequences of Baunders, a Deceased Wife's Sister. By B.A. W. Otley, and 50, Condult-street, Hanover-square, ARNOLD'S FIRST GREEK EDITION.

Now: ready, in 18mo, price 56., THE FIRST GREEK BOOK; on the Plan of ARNOLD, Henry's M.A., late First Rector Latin Book." By the Rev. THOMAS KERCERVER College, Cambridge. of Lyndon, and formerly Fellow of Trinity Of whom London: Rivingtons. Waterloo-place. THE SECOND GREEK may be BOOK; had, by the same Author, THE on the Greek Particles and the Formation of Greek containing AR Elemenrary Treatise THIRD GREEK BOOK; containino A Selection Derivatives.

from 58. Xeno- 6d. THE FOURTH GREEK Notes, Syntax, and Glossarial Index. 38, 6d. 'phen's Ogroprdia, with phon's Anabnsis, containiun BOOK; the or, the Last Four Books of XenoNotes and Grammatical References.

Retreat of the Ten Thousand; with 48. COMMEROE OF AFRICA. Edition, just SUGGESTIONS for the DEVELOPMENT of the only effectual Antidote RESOURCES of CENTRAL AFRICA, as the COMMERCIAL Notice of the Kingdom of Benin. By Exportation ROBERT of JAMIESON, Negroes. With a short to the London: Effingham Wilson, Royal Exchange.

BOOKS on COMMERCIAL LAW. WALTER Price One Shilling each post free, 13 SMITH, LL.D., of the Inner Temple, stamps. Barrister-at-Law. By JAMBS Dedicated, ANDY special BOOK permission, to the the Rt. Hon, the Lord Chancellor, on NERSHIP.

LAW of PART" To manual." all have denlings with Firins this will be found a most useful who concise Mr. manner. W. Smith bas treatod his subject in the readiest and J. most and popular manuals He of has, commercial indeed, rendered it one of the most useful law extant." HANDY BOOK OREQUES, on NOTES, the add LAW IOU 8.

of BILLS, This Ten Thousand of this work have been sold in Six Montha." to be in the is an hands extremely of every useful and valuable compendium, which ought and their assistants." -Economist. banker, merchant, lawyer, and tradesman, London: Efingham Wilson, publisher, 11, Royal Exchange, E.0. THE Now ready, Wourth Edition, 1 12mo, price 128., POOR LAW BOARD ORDERS, cloth, to the Appcals, present and Parish time; the Debts, Statutes with relating to the Audit of Accounts, Courts, and Reports of the Case of Explanatory Waddington Notes, v. the Decisions Guardians of the of of the the City Poor-law of London Union. By W.

C. GLEN, Board. Barrister-at-Law, and jesty; London: and Knight Butterworths. and 7, Fleet-street, Law Publishers to her MaBoard. publishers by authority to the Poor-law This day is published.

price in cloth, the DRIVATE ateps BILL LEGISLATION, comprising Private Bill before required and after to be its taken Presentation by Promoters to or Parliament Opponents of a Orders of both Houses, with Notes, showing their origin and and the Standing of the subsequent Inner Temple, alterations to the Barrister-at-Law. present time. By 8. B. BRISTOWB, London: Knight and 90, Fleet street.

WORTH -What has always been wanted is price 49., post free (the 20th thousand selling), now published, THE DICTIONARY APPENDIX, with ing the upwards Participles of 7,000 the words Verbs, not which found in the Dictionary, comprisof that writes a letter should be without this work: those who No one perplex all writers. one hour cannot fall to appreciate its value. use it only This book is -Weekly Times, This is as London: necessary F. as Walker's Dictionary Itself." -The Oritic. book J.

Shaw, 48, Paternoster IMED MONEY. -Now ready, price One of KIN, Guinen, Heirs-at-Law, DE BERNARDY'S INDEX REGISTER for NEXT claimed Property in Great Britain, the Suitors, colonies, Prize Captors, from 1754 and to of 1856, UnLegatees, being executors, a or compilation legatees of have 60,000 been names advertised of parties for whose relatives, heirs, -Mr. De Bernardy, foroign law agent, 9, during the Northumberland-street, above Strand. Just ELECTRICAL published, INFLUENCE IN HEALTH AND DISEASE. price free by post for fourteen perusal of all who are FORCE.

suffering A from Medical Work intended for the special ECOND NERVOUS LIFE: or ELECTRICAL the various forms of Nervous and Physical Dobility, Practical and the distressing ulterior consequences to which they lead, with Observations on the great Curatiye power of Electro- in in the treatment of these Disorders, by infusing tone ing rigour Illustrated constitutions with relaxed Oases or debilitated from various enervatRegistered causes. Medical compiled from the Note boek of a Unlike Practitioner of twenty sears' standing. itself to the many medical vaunted man restoratives, Electricity is one which commends inge of the as being accordant with the soundest teachshown that the Electrical By and most Nervous obvious energies indication it of being that when the latter fails, the former can take its place, and that hence, are identical from irregularities of any kind. and the nervous system has become debiliwhen, little tated, short paralysed, of total or prostration, exhausted, then the patient the brought to a condition parting certainty and efficacy to medical by action of Electricity, imgorated, and his health re- established to degree almost can be warranting re-invi- the treatment, he designation of Second Life. Published by Mann, 39, Cornhill, and of all Booksellers.

DR. Successor M. to R. the late R. J.

CULVERWELL, Oulverwell, M.D., Brother and sole in (since his Arggil-place brother's he was death) were connected entirely for 14 upon years, his the last five of which with whose practice own now removed to where he (the 3, only GREAT Dr. Oulver MARL well living) BOROUGH-STREET, tons daily from Eleventili Nine. can be consulted. Just published, price 1s. by post, 13 stamps, 18 sealed, HUALTE, HAPPINESS, and LONGEVITE.

No. 2. MARRIAGE CONSIDERED. 100 Cases, Causes, Treatment, or. The Case Book.

ON To be had of Mann, Vornhill, direct Cauteriration, from and Gal TO THE WORKING CLASSES ONLY. the Autbor. Dr. OULVERWELL aud SON, Member of London, may be consulted every the morning Royal from 9 College til 11. of Advice and Medicine Half-a-Guinea.

Now ready, in 2 LAST 8ro, 324, with Portmita of Lord North and Wilkes, JOURNALS of HORACE WALPOLE. In which 1844-45 brought were published four volumes of The Reign of George Edited by Pr. DORAN. down Walpule's History to' 1771. These Last Journals here take up the history Bud continue it until Walpole laid down Lis pen in 1783, forming, in wet.

Vols. V. and VI. account Theso of the Journals Duke abound Gloucester's in literary and social gossip. Walpole's arose out of it, of the life and trial of the Duchess of of marriage and the difficulties which melancholy bistory of Dr.

Dodd, of Charles Fox's dupery by Kingeton, the of the ble bits and hundreds of other little episodes, are among nunusing which ever flowed the most Notes and from Walpole's most amusing Richard (Publisher in Bentley, New Burlington-street ordinary to her Majesty). Now reads, in vole. 8ro, with Portraits, 30s. THE of of BUCKINGHAM'S MEMOIRS the COURT of GEORGE IV. Among the many From Original Family Documents.

The Trial of Queen interesting Caroline- The subjects King's elucidated Visit 'to in this Ireland, work Sco are land, and reagh- Hanover-Feinale Influence at Court--The Death of Lord CastlePolitical and Literary the Carcer of Grenville George Party with the Canuing-O'Connell Government- and the The Junction of as a Patron of Art and Duke Literature, of Wellington's Administration -George IV. Catholic Claims -The These volumes are the most popular of the series of of papers, the not period only to from the naturo of the matter, but from the closeness Buckingham Hurst our own times, -Spectator. and Blackett, publishers, 17, Great Marlborough-atrect. CEOLA. at all the Libraries, in 3 By Capt.

MAYNE REID. Captain Oceola Mayne is full Keid of soul-stirring -Lit. Gaz. Cooper. He has almost is in many respects a worthy successor to skill.

For a stirring diversified power parrative description and equal construcoqual of tire most vivid interest, Captain Keid la inferior to and pone for situations of the rank of living novelists. Oceola is a singularly but the very front Press. interesting and Blackett, publishers, 13, Great Marlborough-street. NEW NOVEL, On Friday, BY MRS. FOSTER LANGTON, March 11, in 8 By Mrs.

LANGTON. A Y. Great Hurst and Blackett, publishers, Mnriborough-street. successors to Henry Colburn, 13, Now A ready, in 2 with Illustrations, SUMMER AND WINTER IN 218, 0 I S. A entertaining By JOLIA KAVANAGE.

in virid very sketches of scenery work, and full of life and character, and abounding Hurst and Blackett, publishers, 13, Great Marlborough-street. Now ready at all the Libraries, in 2 THE A S. "The By HERBRAT GREY, M.A. to show main that object well Mr. Grey will he popular with the ladies.

It is of glumpy bachelorhood. assorted The book matrimony indicates is better than wild living or -Spectator. thought, abillty, and spirit." thought and no is worth Ferusal, It exhibits a considerable range of "This book Hurst slight power of -Observer. and Binckets, publisbiers, 13, Great Marlborough-street. NEW EDITION OF THE REV.

J. BAILLIE'S LIFE OF CAPTAIN BATE. Now ready. EMOIR with Portrait and Four Illustrations, price 59., cloth, R.N. By the of Captain W.

THORNTON BATE, Memoir of Adelaide JOHN Newton," BAILLIE, Author Second of Edition. Memoirs of Rev. satisfy His the reader biographer's that narrative will The disclosure of the life and brilliant seaman this deserved gallant faith amidst the continued life of loveand admiration showered upon the the action deep of, this interest brave of man the constitutes memoir by Mr. Baillie wh'ch bas just BpLondon: Longman, Brown, and Family Paternoster-row. peared." Treasury.

HE MR. ANTHONY TROLLOPE'S NEW NOVEL. BERTRA Novel. chester By Towers," ANTHONY TROLLOPE. Author of Doctor Thorne," BarThe Three Clerks." In three post 8vo.

MR. THOMAS the 15th of March; DECADE of ITALIAN WOMEN. By THOMAS NEW ADOLPHUS WORK. TROLADOLPHUS TROLLOPE'S LOPE. Author of The Girlhood of Catherine so' Medici." In two post 8vo, with portraits.

and the lath of March. Chapman Hull, 193, Piccadilly. 8vo, cloth, PARLIAMENTARY REFORM: An Essay. from the National BAGEKET. Reprinted with considerable additions Review." Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly.

THE LATE MAJOR HODSON. Fecond Edition, with Addicions and Portrait, 10B. YEARS of SOLDIER'S LIFE in Hodson, INDIA. Commandant Being Extracts from the Lotters of Major S. B.

of Siege of Deihl and Capture of the including a Personal Narrative of Hodson's Horse; brother, the Rev. GEORGE H. HODSON, M.A., Fellow King. of Trinity Edited by College, his Oambridge. London John W.

Parker and Son, West Strand. Bertodicals. TITAN, price for MARCH, 1859. Bound -Some No. Law and the Limbs of it- -Two Studies in Cbat about the Vicenza, Northern Lights -All the Biters Bit: History: Love Brother Story John with of Love in it- The Chaplain of Lucknow-The Orators of the no Young Man, Cyprian Sequel Heaven to and.

Earth: a Tale-The Shy Church: -Between Ancient tho Author of Behlad the Scenes in Nothing to Wear'-Getting on (by Pride and Why that Clubman looks so Chaps. Cadaverous IV. to vin. the Hall to the Cottage; Amadis turned Schoolmaster; From the New Books. The Loves of London: James Hogg and Sons, St.

Bride's Avenue, Fleet-street. 1 DEST and CHEAPEST EVENING PAPER. This papor, THE aided all EXPRESS, the price Twopence unstamped. Public Meetings, the by Money, Stock, resources Share, of the "Dally General News," reports Courts of Law and Police, the Events of the and Day, and all Markets, matters the general interest to the hour of publication. of Its foreign Intelligence is full, late, and reliable.

It ta published eo as to reach any place within Seventy Miles by Hallway, by an early hour on the same evening. of London Hat the Orders Office. received 10. by all Bouverle-strest, agenta, or by the publisher, W. KING BALES, Fleet-street, London.

THE OHEAPEST, YD'S LARGEST, NEWSPAPER. WEEKLY NEWS, Contains Price TWOPENCE, of the world Columns of the LATEST INTELLIGENCE from all 80 parts WEEKLY by Electric Telegraph and other extraordinary means, Order of News OIROULATION or of UPWARDS OF 195,000. any Agent, E. Lloyd, Balisbury-square, London. Sales by Auction.

FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, with possession, ST. JOHN'S WOOD. CRAWTER will SELL by March 16. procisely, by direction of Coffee-house, the on Executors and WEDNESDAY. AUOTION, at Garraway's teas of substantial the late William Atkinson, a desirablo DETACHED Trus8t.

Jobn'e-wood, In FREEHOLD the of RESIDENCE, being No. 28, Grove-road, and offices, with garden in front and rear. Marylebone, Let for containing £65 ten rooms, parish agreement which will expire at Lady-day be per viewed annum by by mission of the tenant, aud particulars nay be had 10 days before persale of Messra. Fuber, and Keags, 12, Bedford-row, W.0.: the Hill and Mathews, surveyors, 1, Bury-court, St. Mary Axe.

E.0.; and of Surrey. CLAWTEB, land agents, 5, Bedford-row, and Cobham, Mesars. ESSRS. NEXT PRESENTATION. AUOTION, CRAWTER will SELL by nil, on WEDNESDAY, March Garraway's 16, at 1 Coffee-house, precisely, the Change NEXT alley.

PRESEN- CornSurrey, only desirable from LIVING of MITOHAM, in the county of TATION to the town, with the eight miles London; and three from Croydon market West-end, in a communication to the City or advantage of railway The income is derived very from healthy locality and improving neighbourhood. and nearly 18 acres of glebe commuted with rent charge in lieu of tithes, mated to produce in land, the vicarage house, estiglebe lands can be riewed the on gross application together about Mr. £670 per annum. -The street, Mitcham; the vicarage house to be to viewed by Wm. Hills, Church- from the ticulars auctioneers, may and with the consent of the be had, ten days before the sale, of present incumbent: parclerk, Upper Mitcham; of ifessrs.

Mitchell and Mr. Berkeley, Chart, solicitors, vestry 27, Sutton Lincoln's-Inn-felds; principal Inns the King's Head Inn, Mitcham; Cock Tooting, Merton, and Epsom; the Grey- Inu, at bound, 5, Croydon Bedford-row, and W.C., of and Messre. Cobham, CRAWTE surveyors, land agents, Surrey. MIDDLESEX, near West Drayton. LAND and BUILDINGS.

Garraway's, CRAWTER WEDNESDAY, will 16, by AUCTION, a desirablo small FREEHOLD ESTATE, comprising March at 1 precisely, and about 9 acres of garden, forchard, arable, And meadow cottage buildings, quality, conveniently situated at Yewsley, Hillingdon, near land the of West zood from Draston Station on the Great Western Railway, and a short distance perni-sion of the occupied tenant, and by Mr. James be viewed bi Uxbridge, sale particulars can be had ten days before the of at Messra. the De Bell, Burgh Cowdell, Arms, and West Dayton principal Inn, Uxbridge; 5.0.; Cobham, at Surrey. Garraway's; and of Messra. CRAWTER, 5, Bedford-row, and Boyce, solicitors, No.

21, TO JAPANNERS, FLOOR CLOTH, TABLE COVER MANUSURREY. FAOTURERS, and others. -PHIPPS BRIDGE, MITOHAM, direction of the Garraway's, Mortgazee on under WEDNESDAY, power March 16, at 1 precisely (by VI ESSRS. CRAWTER will SELL by AUCTION, with email part long LEASEHOLD of sale). a very PROPERTY, desirable comprising FREEsheds, manufacturing hot room premises, stove, viz.

stove, and boiling houses, drying attached, in the whole containing about two acres, well premises, situated with land near counting-bouse, yard, and be main viewed, roads and and railway particulars stations, had only eight miles from London. -May Messra. ten days prior to salo, on application to ray's also Ashurst, the Son, and Morris, solicitors, 6, Old Jewry GarraCock Sutton; King's Head and Buck's Head Inns, at Mitcham the Epeuin, and Croydon and principal inns at Tooting, Merton, Carsbalton, 5, Bedford-row, and of Cobham, Mesers. Surrey. CRAWIER, surveyors, land agents, PAINTINGS VALUABLE COLLECTION of EGHAM.

by old masters, choice Engraviogs, Miniatures, Parian O.L Figures NITURE and Vases, 300 EFFEOTS Volumes of Books, and the remaining FURbourhood. and of a Gentleman leaving the neighR. the Assembly DAVENPORT Rooms, will SELL by AUCTION, 11, FORTY OIL PAINTINGS by Egham, Sir on Joshua FRIDAY, Reynolds, G. March 11, at gravings Brewer, (framed and Albano, glazed), A. Carre, and othera; numerous choice enOstade, Morland, Children Gilpin'e Ride to Edmonton; the Charles Entertainment the First, at the with bis including Epsom, by the Earl of Derby, 1774; Dolly Varden; The Maid Oaks, Mill; a Member of the Royal Humane Society and British at the water-colour drawings, miniatures, busts, Parian china figure of Isles; Prince of Wales, vases, fars, toilet and smelling bottles, the new fancy articles, 300 volumes of books, four years variety of London description, News china, and Family Herald, the remaining furniture of the us sal of Illustrated be viewed day prior to sale.

articles, a truck, and numerous glass, and kitchen sale: Catherine Wheel. Egham Angel, Staines: Catalogues at the place of Bells of Aazzley, Old Windsor Wbite Windsor Swan, Chertsey; son and Davenport, estate agents, 32, Kart, Bucklersbury, E.0., Mcgers. London; Dickand Mr. DAVENPORT, auctioneer, Englefield-green, Egham, Surrey. SUNBURY, VILLA and GROUNDS, with some Meadow Land, at ELEGANT and half from Middleses, facing the River Thames, and two miles Stations.

a the Feitham, Walton, and Hampton Court Railway TOHN DAWSON and SON are instructed by the at the Mart, Executors near of Mra. Collingridge, deceased, to HELL by AUCTION, 12, the the Bank of England, on THURSDAY, March 10, at Sunbury well Villa; known, interesting, and truly enjoyable RESIDENCE, the walled arrangement gardens, with and various decorations, fruit with conservatories, picasure grounds, containing, with every comfort, numerous elegancies in 3 meadow, containing in ail very houses, nearly 10 pine acres. pits, -To and be graperies, viewed with and admission orders Particulars may be shortly bad of Messrs. land Crosse, at' 2, Messrs. Hatton-court, Threadneedle-street, solicitors; at the Mart; Thames, and JOHN DAWSON and SoN's auction offices, Kingston-on49, Pall-mall.

N.B. The venders with would or without favourably the consider an offer inade to the agents for the estate, furniture. SELF-ACTING CHAMBER ORGAN. 'NOPLIS and HARDING will SELL by TO-MORROW, AUCTION, at their Rooms, 16, St. Paul's-churchyard, E.0., at 3, a SELF-ACTING CHAMBER ORGAN, in rosewood case, with eight shifting barrels, playing popular Overtures and May be viewed till the Sale.

A PORTION ou tho of the LADBHOKE VALUARLE ESTATE, FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS have received DANIEL fustructions to SMITH, OFFER for SON, ANd OAKLEY gat the Mart, near the Bauk of England. on TUESDAY AUCTION. DAY, April 12 and 13, nt 12, in numerous lows, WED. PORTION amounting of these to valuable upwards of FREEILOLD PER GROUND-RENTS. the whole of which are well secured upon bouso £1,600 ANNUM.

ery superior character, for terms varying from 96 to 76 property of pired, aud comprise first class residences, years and s-mi-deuched villas, shops, etabling, foriniug detached cast, Kensington-park-gardens, Victoria-terruce, Stanley-terrac-, Hurbury-crescent, Westbourne-grore Welles portions Chepstow-villo-rond, Chepstow- wrest villas bury-terrace, and Chepstow-place. Ledbury-road, Adelaide terrace, also including Urme-square, and Led. estate adjoins is the in the Uxnridge-rond, parishes of in a Kensington healthy and and improving Paddington, and houses in Kensington park-gardens and Ladbroke square district. The nearly into, the largo gardens and pleasure overlook, and and all Priuted the others particulars on the way estate be had, can bare access ready, to the gardens. solicitor, 7, Great James street, when Bedford-row: of of E.

T. Western, Est, Auction survesor cO Mart; the and estate. of Messrs. 1, Connaught square, Hyde park: at DANIEL SMITH, BOX, and OAKLEY, land the ageuta and surveyors, 10, Waterloo-place, Pall-wall, 8.W. IN the BUILDING WESTERN ESTATE, near SUBURBS of Shepherd's-busb-green, adjoining Hammersmith, and Shepherd's-bush-lane, neur to connecting Notting-hill-crescent, the freehold road with immediately redeerded.

and lane. have received instructions SON, Mortgagees and to OAKLEY SALE, at the Mart, on WEDNESDAY, April 20, at 12, in OFFER One Lot, fOE this most important and valuable PROPERTY, cular and special attention from its acres. peculiarly valuable property position. demands particontaining in the whole sbout 32 This adjoining tho Uxbridge-road on the one side and Hammer- almat sunith on part the of other, the and metropolis, thus is in and direct near aunt ensy communication every gardens, and Holland-park, to Hyde park, casingtonwith had of Messrs. Neve, are Wilson, and course of preparation, and may shortly be Particulars and plans in Farrar, Craubrouk: aud of DANIEL Waterloo- SMITE, place, SoN, Pall-mall.

and OAKLEY, land agents and surveyors, 10, ALTERATION of DAY of HINTON, ADVORSON of TARRANT VI ESSRS. DANIEL SMITH, SON, and OAKLEY. near the Bank of England, on WEDNESDAY, for April DALE, :0, at at 12 the (instead Mat, received instructions to OFFER of March 23. as previously advertised), the near Blandford, on the ADVOWSON old of TARRANT road to HINTON, neighbourlivod. The rsonage urupike is a modern Exeter, and Elizabethan in a crection, delightid adapted tor the residence of good family.

The glebs contains 82 and the tithes have been cam muted at acres, £335 PER ANNUM. The present incumbent is in his 42nd sear. ter; of Particulars Mesers. may J. be and bad W.

of Thomas Galsworthy, ombes, solicitor, soliciturs, 12, Old Jewry-cham- Dorchesbers; and of al essts. DANIEL SMITH, SON, and OAKLEY, laud surveyors, du, Waterloo-place, Pall- all. agents and miles seven miles Axoridge. frown Weston-super-Mare ESSRS, received DANIEL instructions SMITH, SELL SON, AUCTION, OAKLEY near the Bank of England, on WEDNESDAY, by April 20, at at tbe Mart, Lot, a very compact 12, in one FREEHOLD ESTATE of ONE HUNDRED AND ACRES FORTY-TWO' of divided most into sound and convenient fertile feeding land, enclosures, and watered with by the herdman's river cottage, winds round a great proportion of its boundary. It is in the Ace, which four tenants, and produces a rental of £550, the only outgoing bunds of a nominal pazinent of 16s.

8d. per annum, in lieu of tithes, and it being fit for investment for trustees or capitalists. is Particulars, with plans, may shortly be had The of land Messrs. tax is Cotterell redeemed. Spackman, land surveyors, Bath; of J.

J. Rocke, and agents and surveyors, of 10, Messrs. DANIEL Waterloo-place, SMITH, SON, aLd OAKLEY, land Glastonbury and REVERSIONARY LIFE INTEREST to MONEY in the FUNDS. MI have ESSES. received DANIEL SMITH, SON, and OAKLEY near the Bank of England, instructions on TUESDAY, by 24, AUCTION, at the Mart, LIFE April at 12, tho of a gentleman, now aged 35, upon the death of INTEREST the a lady, now aged 69, in standing SUM in of the £10,335 18s.

4d. THREE PER uames of bichly respectable trustees. CENT. CONSOLS, Mart; of Messre. Clurko, Gray, published, and and may then be bad at Particulars will shortly be the of Charles Palmer livington, and Wansey, reachurch-buildings, and Fenchurch-street of Woodcock.

20, Lincoln SON, and VALEY, land agents bristol; surveyors, of Messrs. DANIEL SMITE, mall, London. and I0, Waterloo-place, Pall. IN the TERESi COUNTY in the of WORTHY PARK ESTATE, about three LIFE miler INfrom the City of Winchester. bare and OAKLEY.

Dear the Bank of received England, instructions by AUCTION, at the the LIFE on TUESDAY, INTEREST April 26, at 12, in Une Lot, Mart, of a gentleman now aged 35, in the which is an ENTIRELY important of this residential valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, property, situate in the parlebes of and within easy Martyrworthy, and Easton, in a capital sporting disKingsworuby, of 10xbounds. It comprises distance a of most the favourite meets of several packs. sion, placed upou high grouvu in a beautitully substantial and timbered very park, superior maning a bold rauge of bills, and the valley with its rich water orerlockthrough which flows the river Itchen, with its nurnerousarms and meadows, tri- butaries, and comwauding a view of the city of Winchester; also two 0 very ruperior desirable stock farme, gentieman's to which residence are upon attached a valuable water meadows, water corn-inil, a small dwehing-house, moderate scale, a valuable ture, together with the cart and Horses public- accommodation house, aud plots of pascottage property in the village of Kingsworthy, the whole einbracing extensive: ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED and producing a ACRES. gross rental TWO of KOOD9, and SEVEN PERCHES, FORTY-FOUR The £1,661 PER ANNUM. interest 'in policies of insurance on the life 1 Equitable, Law Life, Legal and General, and Norwich in Union possession in (the the two former with profits, and the two latter without), amounting offices ther to £18,400, at annual premiums £407 198.

togs-' the present time the office value is £1,753 unu of which at of sale. will be incluued in the at the at the plans will shortly be published, and may be then had Particulars with and Woodcock, a 20, George Hotel, fields Winchester; of Mesars. Clarke, Gray soy, Bristol; and buildings, of Afessrs. Fenchurch-street; DANIEL of SMITH, Messr8. SON, Paliner and WonFenchurch Charles Rivington, agents and surreyors, 10, Waterloo-place, of und whom GAELEY, orders land view may be obtained.

to WORCESTERSHIRE and' HEREFORDSHIRE. VALUABLE HOLD INTEREST ESTATES. In FREEHOLD, COPYHOLD, anu LEASEESSKS. received instructions DANIELSMITH, SON, andOAKLEY the Bank of England, on TUESDAY, April 26, at 12, in atthe Lots, Mart, the to SELL by AUCTION, LIFE INTEREST of a gentleman now aged 35, in the entirety of the following valuable Let 1. PROPERTIES, threw wiles Corn of the Meadow of green Farm, in the parish of Clines, within good repair, and 86a.

city Ir. Worcester, with farm-house and premises, in lot to a respectable yearly 45p. of freebold, copybold, and leasenold land; tenant puying the Vandlemns tenaut, at per minster tithe); Interest in a Policy of Ausurance in the West' £45 8s. Lite and Office of (win which the profits), office for value £2,000, is at au annual premium of: sold with this lot. at present 2150, will be Lot 2.

A valuable Frechold and Copshold Estate, in the of Worcester it Heretord, close to the turnpike-road from Bromyard to Whitbourne, parish houses and farm premises, and and 2620. Wishmour 2r. 22p. Farms, of with land: les appro- at priate comprises Louglands 330. rents 2r.

awounting of to woodlaud £340 in per annum (the tenauts paring Litbe); also Interest in p. of Insurance hand, producing about 525 per anoum; the Policy in the Lite Uttice (with ottice profits), value for is £3,900, at an annual premium of 507 and of which the at present 5224, will be sold wich this lot. Lot 8. A valuable Wa. ebouse, with offices, in Sansom Worcester; let 10 Messre, craster, Humble, and Sons, hop merchants, street, searly tenants, at the low ront of £58 per annum; this is held by leases expiring at Michaelmas, 1889, under the governora of the bridge Lot Grammar School, an annual ground rent of £14.

4. A Pleco of Woodland in Highgrove-wood, in the parish Mathon, containing 15a. 1r. held under the Dean and Chapter of Westminster for two lives, now aged 63 and 35 respectirely, at 3s. per annum; Particulars will shortly be published, and may then be had at the Mart; of Messrs.

Clarke, Gray, Woodcock, 20, of Oharles Kivington, Feuchurch buildings, Feuchurch-street; of Messrs. Palroer and Wansey, Bristol; of James Best, solicitor; Worcester; and of Messrs. DANIEL SMITH, DON, and OASLEY, land agents and surveyors, 10, Waterloo-place, Pall-mali, Londou. HAGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Steam Engine, Machinery, baIMPORTANT THREE DAYS' SALE, ESSRS. HAMMOND and EILOART will BELL on by AUOTION, on the Premises, Swan-lane, Upper Thames-street, each MONDAY, March 14, and two following days, as 13 for chines 1 day, mills the STOCK of PLOUGHS, barrows, horse hoes, and of all sorts for crushing, grinding, and bruising, chat.

den cutters, engines churns, and rollers, weighing tron machines, racks forks, spades, draining tools, harness, gat wheels and axlor, agricultural machinery, and mangers, four-horse two power carts, table engine and boller, jacks, bydraulic gates, press, machine, pug mills, prize and press, cabinet screw hurdles, wire fencing, washing inachine, table some tons of mangles, castings cools, two lathes, fittings of anvils, and metal, by order of Messrs. bray and Con who are removing from Swan-lane, and have to give up posses on st view the Saturday previous. Catalogues forwarded application to the Auctioneers, 28, Chancery-lane. VALUABLE FREEHOLDS, £220 at in FARNINGHAM, KENT, producing per Annum, Five Lots. MESSRS.

AUCTION, HAMMOND at the Mart. and on FRIDAY, EILOART March 18, will st 1, a valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE of THIRTEEN HOUSES above gardens, income, smithy, which will well be let to respectable tenants, producing the the direct Dover line, when there will be enhanced a station upon the within a mile materially completica of the bard- property, -Particulars of Jonkinson, Clement's lane, Lonat the Lion, Farningham; and of the Auctioneers valuera, 28, Chancery-Jane. TO PREMISES OMNIBUS PROPRIETORS, Builders, and others. Administratrix -EXTENSIVE Mr. Bardell.

at order of the TESSRS. HAMMOND and EILOART will SELL by AUCTION, at the Mart, on FRIDAY, March 18, At 12 tor 1, the LEASE of the extensive PREMISES in Moore-street, Paddington, with stables, yards, workshops, lofts, held for 40 years, at £60 per annum, and let to different tenants at £120 per annum. ticulars may be had of H. Avis, 25, Lincoln inn-fields, and of tho Auctioneers and Valuers, 28, Chancery-lane. VILLA RESIDENCE and MIDDLESEX R.

W. BROWN has received directions to OFFER for SALE by AUCTION, at the Swan Ina, Sudbury, on WEDNESDAY, March 16, at 2, without reserve, NORTHWICK VILLA, facing the Harrow road, one mile from the Sudbury Station on the London and North Western Railway, comprising a modero. brick-built and slated residence, containing entrance ball, two front sitting-rooms, breakfast- room, kitchen, scullery, four bedrooms, sod's dressing-room at the rear are two acres of orchard and garden greund, planted with upwards of 500 thriving apple, pear, other cholos fruit trees, besiues a variety of other small fruit trees and shrabs. The estate is held under a lease for 95 years from Micbaclmas, 1845, subjec to a ground rent of £14 10s. per annum.

The lease inay be inspected st timo of sale. -To be viewed by applying to Mr. Biddescorabe, on the premises, of whom particulars may be obtained. Particulars also st the principal inns in the vicinity; and at the offices of Air. W.

land agent and surveyor, Tring. VALUABLE FREEHOLD and LEASEROLD ESTATES, BERMONDSDY, PECKHAM, and TOTTENHAM. MR. C. AUCTION, PUGH at has the Mart, received near the instructions Bank of to England, SELL co THURSDAY, March 17, at 12, by direction of the Executors the late Frederick Farrand, a valuable and greatly improving PREE tion HOLD of Messrs.

ESTATE, Ewbank situate and 176, at Long-lane, Bermondsez. frechold the plo: occupo: of building ground, Wood-green, Tottenham £135 per a annum; compact leaschold estate, street, Peckham, producing £239 Elm-grove, Peckham, £122 £67, and Long walk, per annum, making a total rental of £191 per 'te riewed by leave the tenants, and particulars bad Jawes Matthews, solicitor, 80, E.C.; at the Mart; the Kentish Blackman- Droves, High-street, Peckham; aud the offices of the Auctioneer, 6, street, E.C. ON THURSDAY at EVENING BOUTIIGATE next aDd (March BARRETT, 101. and at Fire their Rooms, following Evenings, 6, by 22, Fleet street. by all the celebrated Theatrical artists, Per ENGRAVINGS, and an immense varicty traits and Subjects, Drawings, Painting, Printed aud in Pubilshed City of by London.

WILLIAM Printer, KING El at 0: No. co, in 8, Lombard Strect, in the Precinct of MARCE 8, 1859..

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.