Saw Palmetto Made My Balls Bigger And Boosted My Libido (2025)



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So 2 weeks ago I decided to give a chance to Saw Palmetto. I obviously did not used it long enough to say if it helps (I already have ridiculously good results with the other stuff) but what I can say for sure is that my balls are something like 20% bigger and I wake up with the morning woods I had when I was 16 years old, which can also happen during the day for no apparent reasons. I also had a noticeable libido boost and I'm sorry for the ugly details but I have to tell that me and my girlfriend has noticed that my sperm is now as thick as mayonnaise.

The only negative common side effect I've had is some sort of testicular tension that stopped after a few days.

The thing is I was scared and almost expected the opposite side effects so I'm weirdly concerned.. Is this a bad sign or a good sign ?

( BTW I'm new to this hairloss forum so if anyone think I can add something useful to my current regimen just feel free to make me any suggestions )

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Rockshaft said:


So 2 weeks ago I decided to give a chance to Saw Palmetto. I obviously did not used it long enough to say if it helps (I already have ridiculously good results with the other stuff) but what I can say for sure is that my balls are something like 20% bigger and I wake up with the morning woods I had when I was 16 years old, which can also happen during the day for no apparent reasons. I also had a noticeable libido boost and I'm sorry for the ugly details but I have to tell that me and my girlfriend has noticed that my sperm is now as thick as mayonnaise.

The thing is I was scared and almost expected the opposite side effects so I'm weirdly concerned.. Is this a bad sign or a good sign ?

( BTW I'm new to this hairloss forum so if anyone think I can add something useful to my current regimen just feel free to make me any suggestions )

Good sign for your penis bad sign for your hair, I forgot what it's called exactly but basically your body is reacting the opposite way and is actually increasing dht instead of lowering it.



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Jonnyyy said:

Good sign for your penis bad sign for your hair, I forgot what it's called exactly but basically your body is reacting the opposite way and is actually increasing dht instead of lowering it.

Thanks for the feedback. Do you happen to have any source on that? I'm trying to dig into it but can't seem to find anything.. But I'll definately check if shedding starts again.



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I actually found the following description on LiveStrong :

Effects on Testosterone

Preliminary research has found that saw palmetto hinders the conversion process of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone by more than 40 percent. These findings suggest saw palmetto may have anti-androgenic activity, which means this herb can possibly effect male sex hormones, or androgens. This suggests that saw palmetto may increase testosterone levels by inhibiting up-conversion to dihydrotestosterone. While proponents of this herb claim it can affect testosterone levels and other male hormones, a study outlined by found no change in plasma testosterone levels after supplementing for 30 days.

So.. if it's supposed to increase T by reducing DHT, my symptoms are actually a sign that it's working since increased testicular size is a symptom of more natural free testosterone, but why can I only find a few threads similar to mine VS a million of threads claiming that Saw Palmetto reduced libido and shrinked their nuts ?

I'll update this thread in a month or so, time will be able to tell if it's working or of it's the I don't know what it's called opposite reaction.



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I can certainly say you aren't the only one with these side effects. If I can even call them that... I didn't even think about checking my testies until I came across your post and they are definitely larger. I also started saw palmetto and pumpkin seed extract about 3 weeks ago and my libido is through the roof. I think I've read some people experience the same after starting finasteride from the increased testosterone.



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Shedster said:

I can certainly say you aren't the only one with these side effects. If I can even call them that... I didn't even think about checking my testies until I came across your post and they are definitely larger. I also started saw palmetto and pumpkin seed extract about 3 weeks ago and my libido is through the roof. I think I've read some people experience the same after starting finasteride from the increased testosterone.

From finasteride, really ? It's really interesting how people have either sex regression or sex enhancement from the exact same drug.. maybe it has a direct link with weight training since I do a lot of it and it affects testosterone in a positive way in conjunction with DHT inhibitors ?



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From what I've read, a lot of people get an increased libido in the first few months of taking finasteride and then it slowly declines. Our situation might be different though. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of zinc and I know that alone can increase sex drive and thicken your seamen. I believe zinc also has an effect on the conversion on T to DHT though. So why it increases sex drive is beyond me... Maybe someone more knowledgeable can shed some light on this?


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I have used saw palmetto for 6 months and have noticed an increase in libido. My imaginary girlfriend is very pleased.

My hair is still the same, NW1 with slight thinning. I also take biotin, zinc, selenium (mostly vegan diet) and ground flaxseeds (supposed to be a DHT blocker)


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I got an increase in libido which lasted about 2 months and then subsided.




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I have taken it for like 3 weeks and this morning I have nose bleed


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Wiseboi said:

I have taken it for like 3 weeks and this morning I have nose bleed

Can't see any possible connection. You could just say "I have taken it for 3 weeks and this night I broke my arm"


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You guys take it orally or topically ?




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Nostro100 said:

Can't see any possible connection. You could just say "I have taken it for 3 weeks and this night I broke my arm"

Well there are report on nose bleeding if you Google it .

I'm taking it orally

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Saw Palmetto Made My Balls Bigger And Boosted My Libido (2025)
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